Body Control Pilates teachers adhere to a Code of Practise that governs teaching standards and professional ethics.
· fully subscribe to this Code of Practice and recognise it as a minimum framework for their own teaching and professional practise.
. will only teach in areas where they hold a level of certificatin deemed acceptable by the Body Control Pilates education and memberhsip organisations.
. shall hold adequate and valid insurance cover, provided by a recognised organisation.
· shall hold a current certificate in Basic Life Support (CPR)
· shall hold Criminal Records Bureau clearance (or a local equivalent if not resident in the UK) if they regularly teach children of 16 years or younger on an unsupervised basis.
· shall, at no time, misrepresent their qualifications or, similarly, misrepresent the BCPA or other Body Control Pilates companies or the Body Control Pilates method in general.
· shall ensure that any advertising or promotional material be wholly accurate in respect of qualification and services, and shall only feature references to the BCPA, other Body Control Pilates companies, and other associated professional organisations bodies of which they hold membership, in an approved and agreed way.
· will handle all enquiries in a prompt, courteous and business-like manner and shall, where they are unable to meet the requirements of the client, refer them to another suitably-qualified teacher.
· will always display high standards of professionalism with regard to their appearance, their actions and their teaching environment.
· will not, when teaching for an employer or on behalf of another teacher, seek in any way to actively recruit clients from that employer or teacher into their own classes.
· will give full attention to the comfort and safety of clients at all times. Where a member leads a group class, such classes will normally have a maximum of twelve participants, except where the member is assisted by another qualified teacher.
· acknowledge that it is the teacher’s duty to assess all clients upon enrolment and, thereafter, to only prescribe exercises that are wholly suitable for the age, experience and physical condition of the client.
· shall, when he/she has insufficient knowledge of, or no direct experience of, a specific client’s condition, seek advice from another Pilates teacher with relevant experience or knowledge, or from a specialist practitioner.
· will treat all information received from a client, or about a client from a practitioner, as wholly confidential. Such information shall not be released to a third party without the full consent of the client and shall be stored securely and in accordance with requirements of the UK Data Protection Act (or local equivalent).
. shall continue to develop their professional knowledge and competence in Pilates and related subjects by gaining the required level of Continued Professional Development (CPD) Points set by the Body Control Pilates Association as a condition of membership. Such points are to be accrued by attending recognised courses and professional development events and activities. Members will submit an annual log of such activity to the BCPA office with the reference document for CPD Points being the current BCPA CPD Record Card.
In addition to the rights granted by sections 9 and 10 of the Articles of Association*, the Council reserves the rights to investigate any written complaint that a teaching member has not adhered to the content of this Code, and to take action to enforce the standards of the Code, including removing or suspending the rights of the member to use the name and/or trade marks granted through their membership of the Body Control Pilates Association. Should such a complaint be received, the member concerned will be notified of the nature of the complaint and, where appropriate, a hearing will be held to address the matter. The decision of the Council will be final.